RED SHADOW OVER THE WHITE HOUSE – Broadcast on October 20 at 9:05 PM on France 5 and available for replay on

We are pleased to announce the broadcast of the film “RED SHADOW OVER THE WHITE HOUSE” on Sunday, October 20, at 9:05 PM on France 5 (Le Monde en Face) and available on replay on


As the 2024 elections approach, Russian interference in American politics – through spies or agents of influence – is a troubling reality. Vladimir Putin is counting on Donald Trump’s victory to weaken support for Ukraine.
Why does Trump almost always support Russia? Is he compromised? During his presidency, did he betray the United States in favor of the Kremlin? And why has the Republican Party shifted its stance toward Russia?
Answering these questions means shedding light on a labyrinthine espionage and manipulation operation. Still ongoing, it began forty years ago, during the final years of the Cold War. Back then, Trump was merely a real estate developer, and Putin was a young KGB agent. This operation contains many dark areas, but some hold pieces of the puzzle. A former KGB leader, infiltrated “illegals,” a former Trump advisor, and former senior officials from the CIA and FBI, as well as a former prosecutor, provide testimony.
This gripping investigative documentary, filmed like a spy movie, plunges us into the heart of Soviet and then Russian infiltrations in the United States, revealing Vladimir Putin’s ambitions and his thirst for revenge.


The question of Trump and the Republican Party’s relationship with Russia is complex and opaque. The facts are numerous, but the overall picture appears confusing. To untangle the threads, I wanted to go back forty years, to the 1980s. I realized that, at that time, the KGB changed its methods, targeting the American right and businessmen like Trump. This hunch was confirmed by General Kalugin, a legendary spymaster, and an infiltrator, Jack Barsky, who revealed to me that he had been specifically tasked with approaching the American right of that era.
Then, I tried to understand how the Russians continued with this strategy under Putin, who is a product of the same culture—KGB culture, subversion, disinformation, and espionage. Finally, I sought to understand how the Russians might have exploited their advantage over Trump during his presidency. After all, having leverage over a U.S. president is one thing, but using it is another, a scenario no KGB manual had prepared for.
Finally, I turned my attention to the 2024 election, as the Russians continue, as always, with their operation.
In terms of form, I wanted to tell this story like a spy film, which seemed fitting for the narrative, while also embracing the ambiguities and uncertainties inherent in this kind of case.



John Brennan, Director of the CIA (2013-2017)
Peter Strzok, Director of FBI Counterintelligence (2015-2018)
General Oleg Kalugin, Head of KGB Foreign Intelligence (1974-1990)
“Jack Barsky,” KGB agent infiltrated in the U.S.
Serguei Jirnov, KGB Officer (1984-1990)
John Bolton, National Security Advisor to Donald Trump (2018-2019)
Edward Lozansky, Former Soviet Affairs Expert
John Lenczowski, Advisor to Ronald Reagan (1983-1987)
Kenneth McCallion, Assistant District Attorney of New York (1978-1992)
Michael Isikoff, Investigative Journalist
Robert Amsterdam, Lawyer